
Vocal Coaching

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New Vocal Mic has Arrived


We’ve added a Telefunken AR70 to our current lineup of vocal mics

The most significant differential that the Telefunken AR 70 brings to the mic locker is it’s a Stereo Mic

So you ask, “Why a stereo Mic on Vocals”?

The AR70 can run both capsules straight forward in Phase coherence!  With two preamps  operating the two capsules independent of each other , where one of the capsules is set hotter on the pre-amp with a large fast compression ratio set, the Vocal tracks have the advantage of sounding up front, no matter how low or loud the singers performance. Capturing vocals in this method reduces the need for excesive post processing compression/Expansion. So just push the faders up in the mix and Whalaah!,  Great sound.

Now, in a perfect world all we have to do is stick a singer in front of the Telefunken AR70 and all is good. Not so Fast, some other mic pre-amp combination may be better for your voice.

That’s why we choose the vocal chain carefully here and have a lot of flexibility in our combinations


Neumann TLM49


Telefunken AR70


Shure SM7B


NEVE 1081  x 4

Neve 1073 x 2

SSL XR621 and XR627

API  512C   x 3

Avalon VT737SP

UA 6176

UA LA610 Mk II

SSL Duality SE 24

Fellow Music Enthusiasts and recording artists, there are no rules, no right and wrong way to create musical art . But, their can be the need for a different set of ears and perspective.

Thats where I come in.

With 45 years of musical experience and a great understanding of the creative process
I can put to work for you my skills and equipment to explorer mix alternatives you may not have considered, or just tighten up what you have already achieved "In the box" using great analogue gear and summing.

Based in Dix Hills NY I mix and record music through a hybrid analog system including all our favorite equipment. Neve, API, SSL, Antelope, Universal Audio,Toft, DBX, Lexicon, Bricasti, Avalon, Elysia , UA, Barefoot,Telefunken, Neumann, AKG AEA Shure and more.

There is no cost to you for simple remix if your not satisfied with my work.

Here's one way we can work together.

Submit through DropBox either full Pro Tools Sessions or individual .wav files. I will remix your session based on your current mix and what you describe (or give examples of ) as your target mix, and return to you a mix with a few drop outs of audio to render the mix useless until we agree you're satisfied. When you accept a final, is when I get paid and you receive a contiguous mix "Sans Dropouts".

My rate is $45 an hour for mixing and we move fast here. A typical 16 track session takes 3-4 hours to complete. (Remember, A three minute song with 16 tracks takes at least one hour just to preview each track and learn the content)

You have nothing to lose if your not satisfied.

The average 16 -24 track remix for improved soundscape and general balance is about $180. Other services like in depth editing , extensive effects processing or applying Melodyne to vocals are time consuming and can add to the cost but may be essential to finalize a mix. In those cases an estimate and scope of work is agreed upon before work is performed.

So lets talk about it, Send me your current mix of any song so we can discuss if I'm a good choice to bring it to a different level

Next Steps...

Contact me and lets talk Music!